Scribble maps is another user friendly medium a GI User can deploy to create web maps. The interface is rich and straightforward, and also gives some room for customization of several map elements. Scribble maps has a free version and a Trial Pro version. This demonstration will be using a Trial Pro version.
Things to note
- User will have to register for a license to use Scribble maps.
- Scribble maps is an online based mapping application.
- By our observation, Scribble maps Pro opens better using Google Chrome browser.
- User should make sure Google search should be thus: Scribble maps Pro
- There is a Free version of Scribble maps but User cannot access some key features.
Sign into Scribble maps Pro. To import layers to make up the map, Select Menu. In the Menu window, Select the excel sign to import files in spreadsheet and Table format. For the Demo, the file is in CSV format.
Click on Browse to navigate to the location of the file and then Select Import.
Next, in the demo, a KML file is also imported. Click on the Import KML, broswe for the file and Import.
To access the data that was imported, Click on File Manager in the Menu window.
In the File Manager window, open the folder Data and the CSV file is there. Click on the CSV file. The KML file will also be in the folder marked KML.
Click on the File and fill the parameters in the red boxed area and Click Add to Map (cursor finger).
For the demo data, address fields are not longitude/Latitude but Place names. A Geocoding process is added to place the layer on the map.
Both the KML layer (Polygons of low income countries in the World) and CSV layer (Populated cities around the World) now overlay the base map.
To Style the map, Click on Paint Bucket (red boxed) and choose Line and Fill colour and width for the Polygon layer.
Move the cursor to the polygon that is to be filled and click on the mouse. The polygon will automatically be filled as seen below in the demo.
User can do this fill for more polygons as seen on the screenshot below.
Click on the Layer name to the right and all the individual polygons that make up the KML file will be displayed.
Click on the pencil icon (black boxed to the right) to style the features individually. For the Demo, a green fill is chosen for the feature selected.
See results in screenshot below.
Adding image to the map canvas. Click on the image icon on the main menu (red boxed). Images should be hosted online.
To Save map as Image, user will click on the Menu button. In the Menu window, click on Save Map (cursor finger). A customization options window (red box) will open. Size, choice of map elements to display and thumbnail view of the map are displayed. The download format is JPEG.
To Save map as web map, Click Menu. In the Menu window > Save Map. A Save Map window will open and the map is given a Map ID by default. User will add Title and Description.
Thank you for following the demonstration. Your feedback is welcome.
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